Days of Action
Friday, October 1st
Join the kickoff by following us on Instagram at in_pursuit_of_sunshine to never miss an action as we begin October!
Saturday, October 2nd
Join YCAT for a trash pickup. Find more updates on their instgram ycatmadison. If you have questions just DM them!
Sunday, October 3rd
Save the farm is not any sustainable development it is also a movement for equitable housing and regenerative agriculture! write a letter to support and click the link below!
Monday, October 4th
When climate disasters strike, disadvantaged groups face a disproportionate loss of income, assets, and life. Climate Justice is the concept that climate change doesn't affect us all equally. Join Sierra Club Wisconsin for a series of Environmental Justice Event’s with starting on October 7th
Tuesday, October 5th
Did you know - for over 120 years sierra club volunteers have advocated for the climate? So join the John Muir chapter Wednesday, October 13th from 6:30 - 8:00 pm central time. There are actions for everyone, data entry, research phone banking, graphic design. It’s just 2 hours but it makes a big difference.
Wednesday, October 6th
Now more than ever it’s essential to hold our representatives accountable to their climate agendas. Go to Conservationvoters.org/vote-tracker to find your representatives today!
Thursday, October 7th
Why is seed collection important? Because it helps maintain diversity while helping guard against pest epidemics! All over the world, humans rely on plants for food and materials- so protecting them is an important step in fighting climate change. Join Dane County in their seed collection on October 22nd from 9 - 11
Friday, October 8th
Making the food you eat every day costs a lot of energy. According to eia.gov, Agriculture production in the US used as much energy as the entire state of Utah in 2012. That’s a lot! Sometimes it can be difficult to be motivated to act when you are just one person But after watching “unbroken ground” by Patagonia and other videos we began to find inspiration to act
Sunday, October 10th
Last year Dane County’s Office of Energy & Climate Change issued a plan that would cut countywide emissions in half by 2030 – which is consistent with the IPCC recommendations. This is the kind of drastic action we need and hope to see around the world in the coming years. Check out the Dane County Climate Action Plan at daneclimateaction.org
Monday, October 11th
According to NPR news - There have been twenty-eight oil spills associated with Line three. This has caused irreparable damage to the ecosystems it cuts through. Crude oil contains over 1,000 harmful chemicals, including carcinogens like benzene. The line poses a significant risk to the watersheds, wetlands, lakes, and rivers that surround the pipeline. It also cuts through the Ojibwe territory, where native people have the right to live off of the land. Visit MN350.org for information on protests, canvases, and other resources to learn more, and do your part.
Extra Action
If you’d like to hear more about Native Rights, tune in to Native Roots Radio, weeknights at 6pm! Because Native Rights are Human Rights.
Wednesday, October 13th
Albert Einstein once said that without bees, humans would have but 4 years to live. What makes them so important? Let’s find out! So join us on October 29th, at noon, for a virtual symposium on pollinators and their importance with Dr. Shallah Werner, entomologist and plant protector We know pollinators are crucial to life on earth - so let's take a deep dive into what makes them so instrumental in protecting our futures.
Thursday, October 14th
Join YCAT for a food drive at 11 am at the UW Arboretum October 23rd or October 24th at Olin Turville park for a Food Drive. When climate change strikes our crops we face a disproportionate effect on food security In 2019 19.1% of black households and 15.6% of Hispanic households have experienced food insecurity while White Americans were at 7.9%So bring what you can and donate to the YCAT food drive!
Saturday, October 16th
According to FarmProgress.com, between 2017 and 2021, Wisconsin lost an average of 628 farms per year. In the place of these diverse local operations, massive Industrial monoculture Farms are becoming more prevalent than ever before. What can we do to save the Farms? Head over to SaveTheFarm.net and join one of their Action Teams! These teams meet in small groups to discuss, and work on, various projects involving publicity, grant planning, urban agriculture, conservation, and more!
Sunday, October 17th
Community gardens can sequester 85 tonnes of atmospheric CO2 per hectare per year. That's a big difference and you can be part of that difference By joining a community garden or starting your own, join UW Extension Madison for an online event to learn how to be successful in community gardening Wednesday, November 3, from 12-1CST.
Monday, October 18th
As of 2020 the US used 12% renewable energy out of all of their total energy consumption
Renewable energy doesn’t have to be just for middle to high class it can be for everyone if we demand it and hold our representatives accountable So Join 350 Madison October 21st to listen to speaker Randy Satterfield A former energy industry executive Working for a more renewable Wisconsin right here in Dane County Let’s talk about community solutions!
Tuesday, October 19th
Encourage your company or school to take up sustainable practices and apply to be a Dane county Climate Champion. This program recognizes entities that are leading in energy conservation, waste reduction, water savings, and more
Wednesday, October 20th
Join IPOS and Dane County Parks For a presentation on restoration ecology Learn about the interweaving of natural processes with Micah Kloppenburg Virtually October 28th at noon. This program recognizes entities that are leading in energy conservation, waste reduction, water savings, and more.
Thursday, October 21st
Over the past 4 months, IPOS has been preparing the launch of a class in spring 2022. One that is student-directed, project-based, and taught through an intersectional climate justice lens To inform and inspire students, community members, and listeners. We brought on team member Aidan Dresang to document our process Watch for the video this December.
Friday, October 22nd
From 2016 to 2019 Chase bank invested 269 billion dollars in the fossil fuel industry. That's a direct investment into climate change, if you bank with chase you can divest and put your money to fighting the climate crisis or Join 350 Madison downtown outside of chase bank to tell them to divest from fossil fuels on October 23rd at 11 am That's 22east Mifflin street October 23rd at 11 am to tell chase to stop the money pipeline Hope to see you there!
Saturday, October 23rd
On October 28th we will be hearing from speaker Raj Patel Author of inflamed and co-director of the documentary the Ants and the Grasshoppers for a Q+A. If you're in high school join us! If not, watch for the recording coming soon and check out the novel Inflamed on deep medicine and the anatomy of injustice at a local bookstore or library!
Sunday, October 24th
On November 6th high school students from around Dane County will be meeting to voice their opinions in response to the UN’s meeting addressing the climate agenda. We meet to unify our missions, solidify our plans and let Dane county know that we will not wait to address climate change. Stay informed about the motions the UN makes and how the global crisis impacts Dane County.
Tuesday, October 26th
Happy October 26th and IPOS 3rd anniversary. Over the past 3 years IPOS has held up the mission “It is our responsibility to take care of our community.” Now more than ever we are
calling on our community to celebrate with us by heading over to inpursuitofsunshine.com and completing some of our actions.
Wednesday, October 27th
So many times in environmental groups and organizations in general it can be difficult to ensure the best representation. We completely understand this struggle so join Mandi McCalister and other activists for an event on the multiracial environmental community on November 15th, 6:30 - 8:30 as part of sierra club's environmental justice event series.
Friday, October 29th
Have you ever wondered how much carbon your household emits?
Measure your household carbon footprint and compare your household to others in Dane County using the Dane County Carbon Calculator, use the link below.
Saturday, October 30th
In October, each day we have promoted actions that you can take to help your community During the Month of Action, we collected, collaborated, planned actions just for you! We hope you found some inspiration to act! It can be difficult to find local ways to act in a global crisis. But don’t worry we've done the work and have collected actions specifically for you! You can visit our website, inpursuitofsunshine.com to find them all. You can use our website like an app to quickly sign petitions, watch videos, send letters to legislators and a whole lot more
Sunday, October 31st
As we near the end of October IPOS begins to think about what we will do in November to take responsibility for our community. We have decided to continue our project of designing a climate justice class, creating a documentary and above all thanking our community partners. So thank you for tuning in every day of October. Email us at inpursuitsunshine@gmail.com with any questions or comments.

Raj Patal
Madame Chu
Micah Kloppenburg
Shahla Werner
Monica White

Q + A with Raj Patal
Raj Patal is an author, activist, and director focused on decolonization and the health of many communities impacted by Climate Change. After the documentary the Ants and the Grasshoppers visited Madison West’s classes (directed by Raj Patal) we were most fortunate to have him speak about both his newest book Inflamed and about the documentary. Here is our recording, enjoy!